Conserving Our Special Places

Livingstone and Porcupine Hills

“Dried Up, What Now?”

In the face of Southern Alberta’s growing water crisis, the Livingstone Landowners Group has developed the film documentary “Dried Up, What Now?” Produced by Kevin Van Tighem and Yvan Lebel, the documentary is intended to help raise awareness of the impact of declining water levels in the region and spur discussion on solutions. 


Action is needed immediately to renew our threatened water supply, including stopping industrial development such as coal and clear cut logging in the headwaters and reclaiming unneeded roads and trails. It is imperative that our headwaters be protected and restored to maximize water capture, recharge and release to supply downstream waterways. 

News Updates

Grassy Mountain Seeks New Exploration Permits

Northback Holdings Limited (formerly Benga Mining) has applied to the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) for approval to conduct a new coal exploration program, a deep drilling permit and a Water Act temporary diversion license. LLG is very concerned these applications are being considered given the provincial government’s committment last year that no new applications would be accepted for coal exploration or development on lands covered by the reinstated coal policy. LLG has filed a formal Statement of Concern with the AER.

TransAlta partners with Montem Resources on Pumped Hydro project

February 16, 2023

TransAlta Corporation announced that it has entered into an agreement to acquire a 50% interest in the Tent Mountain Renewable Energy Complex ), an early-stage 320 MW pumped hydro energy storage development project, located in southwest Alberta, currently owned by Montem Resources Limited. TransAlta and Montem will form a partnership and jointly manage the Project, with TransAlta acting as project developer.  See here for announcement.

Bill Trafford Recognized with Citizenship Award

We are pleased to announce that on February 8, 2023 Bill Trafford was presented the Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal Award for citizenship and stewardship in the the Environment and Protected areas sector. He was awarded the medal by Minister of Environment and Protected Areas Sonya Savage, in acknowledgement of his work on the coal consultation committee.

There isn’t anyone who deserves this award more for their work protecting the Eastern Slopes from coal mines. Thank you, Bill, and congratulations!