Who We Are
The Livingstone Landowners Group (LLG) represents landowners and supporters of the Livingstone-Porcupine Hills area in southwest Alberta, some of the most biodiverse and sensitive ecosystems in the province.
We engage with government leaders at the municipal, provincial and federal level on policy and proposals affecting our region.
We work directly with industry leaders and developers to understand and address proposed development activities that may impact the area.
We participate in legal and regulatory processes as appropriate to manage the interests of our members.
The Livingstone Landowners Group also undertakes studies and research related to the area, often in collaboration with other groups, and is actively involved in land use planning opportunities as well as conducting public and member events and educational activities.
Our mission is to advocate for responsible planning, use and protection of the ecologically sensitive land and water resources between the Livingstone Range and ecompassing the Porcupine Hills in southwest Alberta, Canada.
Created in 2004, members of the Livingstone Landowners Group (LLG) practice principles of sustainable stewardship to safeguard our unique land and water resources for generations to come.
As users and stewards of the land, LLG works proactively to ensure that the footprint of development, whatever its form, respects and supports the natural biodiversity, beauty and culture of rural life.
We work with government, industry, users and developers of the land to help minimize their activities on this significant landscape and respectively invite them to join with us to sustain our unique heritage.
Banner photo by David McIntyre