Become A Member
Lifetime membership includes up to four household members.
Stay informed with updates of LLG activities and receive invitations to our events.
We welcome volunteers and your voice with feedback and suggestions.
You don’t have to be a landowner to join our group and help protect this unique area.
Purchase a membership by:
Credit Card or PayPal here
E-transfer to: info@livingstonelandowners.net
Mail cheque for $50 to:
Livingstone Landowners Group
Box 148, Cowley AB T0K 0P0
Attn: Robin Houston-Knopff
*Please provide the names and contact information for all family members included in the membership. (email and phone number)
Memberships may be cancelled at any time by contacting info@livingstonelandowners.net.
Members with previous 15-year memberships will be grandfathered a Lifetime Membership.
If you have questions, please contact info@livingstonelandowners.net
Thank you!