Key Principles
Be Good Stewards of the Land
Members of the Livingstone Landowners Group practice principles of good land stewardship. We advocate for responsible land use and sustainable development that retains the unique characteristics and value of this area.
We acknowledge that ranchers, farmers, rural residents, recreational users, hunters, fishers and resource based economic interests all use the land. It is our goal that all users become sensitive to their impact on the elements that make up this ecologically significant ecosystem.
We believe disturbance and fragmentation of native grasslands and natural areas can be minimized by the use of existing utility corridors and previously disturbed lands for new linear infrastructure.
Development or disturbance on or near headwaters, creeks, rivers and wetlands should be avoided. Managing levels of human disturbance and development and sustaining our riparian ecosystems is critical to our water security.
Functional wildlife corridors can be maintained by carefully managing placement of linear infrastructure, trails and resource development. This also helps protect iconic views, natural biodiversity and preserves recreational and tourism value.
Sustainable rangeland management practices can conserve and sustain native prairie and ensure that agriculture can continue to deliver critical goods and services that benefit all Albertans.
Banner photo by Bruce Mowat