December 7
Lebel Mansion
Pincher Creek, AB
LLG Annual Meeting 2024
May 25, 2024 at Willow Valley School
The Livingstone Landowners Group will held its annual meeting on May 25, 2024, in the afternoon
Annual General Meeting May 27, 2023
The LLG Annual General Meeting for 2023 will be held at the Lundbreck Community Hall.
Our guest speaker this year is Dr. Bill Newton who will speak on “Market Approach to Grasslands Conservation . . . Beyond Carbon.
The regular agenda will include regular business and updates on current isuses. Members will also have an opportunity to elect the Board of Directors for the next term.
Annual General Meeting May 28, 2022
Don’t miss out on attending our Annual General Meeting in person this year at the Lundbreck Community Hall.
In addition to hearing from our Guest Speaker, Lorne Fitch we will be updating everyone on the status of a number of major initiatives and discussing potential next steps. We will also be electing our Board of Directors.
See you there!
Online Event: May 6-16 2021
Artists for the Rockies
Mark your calendar and stay tuned for an exciting online Art Auction to support LLG’s efforts to protect the Eastern Slopes.
More information will be posted as soon as it is available.
On line Event: Friday, Feb 12, 7 pm
Headwaters Matter: with Kevin Van Tighem
The 'Learn Your Landscape' Series brings local scientists and experts to present important aspects of the natural systems and beings that inhabit this beautiful place that we reside within. 75 minute presentation followed by facilitated Q&A
.Purchase a ticket to this online event happening this Friday (Feb 12) at 7 pm. $15 from each ticket sold will be donated to The Livingstone Landowners Group. Please consider attending and spread the word to anyone you think might be interested.
Alberta Parks Closures
The Alberta Chapters of the Council of Canadians is inviting interested citizens from across the province to participate in a webinar on planned park closures. Click here for more detail.
Event: Alberta Parks Closure Town Hall
Date: Wednesday June 17, 2020
Time: 7:00 PM
Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_jN_8NsukSkez6vam40_UEA
2020 LLG Annual Meeting
The 2020 LLG annual meeting was conducted through an electronic process due to the restrictions of Covid 19. Detailed information packages were emailed, or mailed, to all members and an electronic survey was used to record votes on the motions. The process concluded on May 27, 2020. The 2020/2021 Board of Directors and officers are as follows:
Bill Trafford, President; Norma Dougall, Vice President; Bobbi Lambright, Secretary; Robin Houston-Knopff, Treasurer; Directors: Bruce Mowat, Cody Johnson, Neil Kathol, Blaine Moen
Due to the COVID 19 crisis, all public events are postponed. In the meantime, we are continuing to work hard behind the scenes and will keep you updated on events and activities as things change. Stay Safe.
Past Events 2019
Tools for Monitoring Native Grassland Health and Function, An update from the Grassland Restoration Forum, Saturday, Nov 23, 2019, featuring Barry Adams, Marilyn Neville, Peggy Warner, Oldman River Brewing Pub
Livingstone Landowners Group Annual General Meeting, Saturday,May 4, 2019, Lundbreck Community Hall
Wind Energy and Transmission Development in our Community, Saturday February 23, 2019, featuring Kevin Van Tighem and Bobbi Lambright, Lundbreck Community Hall,
After the Fire, Saturday, Nov 23, 2018, featuring Bill Perry, Oldman River Brewing Pub
Banner photo by Neil Kathol