In the face of Southern Alberta’s growing water crisis, the Livingstone Landowners Group has developed the film documentary “Dried Up, What Now?” Produced by Kevin Van Tighem and Yvan Lebel, the documentary is intended to help raise awareness of the impact of declining water levels in the region and spur discussion on solutions.
Action is needed immediately to renew our threatened water supply, including stopping industrial development such as coal and clear cut logging in the headwaters and reclaiming unneeded roads and trails. It is imperative that our headwaters be protected and restored to maximize water capture, recharge and release to supply downstream waterways.
Water. Wildlife. Wilderness
This video was made by the Timberwolf Wilderness Society and Yvan Lebel, to garner support for legislation to protect the Eastern Slopes. It was shown at the Crowsnest Headwaters fundraising event on November 19, 2024, and shared with LLG following the event.
Dried Up. What Now?
Celebrating the Livingstone-Porcupine Hills Region
Running Dry: Alberta’s Shrinking Rivers - Oct. 20, 2021
Major documentary on Alberta’s impending water crisis told in the voices of experts and everyday Albertans. Produced and directed by Kevin Van Tighem for the Livingstone Landowners Group. Please share this urgent message about Alberta’s water future.
Running Dry short preview videos:
Preview featuring Rachel Herbert
Preview featuring John Pomeroy
Connecting Land and Water: Stories from the Eastern Slopes - Mar. 1, 2021
This short documentary series features inspiring stories from the landowners, user groups, and partner organizations that have undertaken riparian stewardship projects supported by Cows and Fish in Alberta’s Eastern Slopes. Audiences are asked to connect their values with their actions on the land, and to encourage everyone to think about how their choices might be affecting water.
Save The Mountains - Gordon Cartwright - Jan. 4, 2021
Coal Mining is Bad Economics
Gordon Cartwright who ranches west of the historical Bar_U, explains in this video why the proposed coal mine does not make economic sense for Alberta. A member of the Pekisko group, Gordon talks about the lack of foresight in opening the Eastern Slopes to open pit coal mining.
Water Not Coal - Oct. 25, 2020
In 1976, Alberta enacted the Coal Policy. That policy banned open pit coal mining in most of the eastern slopes of the Canadian Rockies. In June 2020, the Alberta government rescinded the Coal Policy with no public consultation. That change opened up 1.5 million hectares to coal exploration. Learn more about the Albertans fighting for the future of their province: https://www.ab4coalfreesw.ca/ Write your elected officials to oppose coal development in the southern Rockies: https://www.ab4coalfreesw.ca/action
Save The Mountains - Oct. 12, 2020
Laura Laing and John Smith of Plateau Cattle Co. discuss the lack of long term thinking that's occurred with the removal of the coal policy. John is a fourth generation Alberta cattle rancher and is concerned for the health of Alberta agriculture if proposed open pit coal mines are approved.
Coal Policy Still Needed - Oct. 7, 2020
David Luff, former Assistant Deputy Minister with the government of Alberta talks about his involvement in helping create the Coal Act in 1976 and why it was put into place. He discusses how the policy isn't outdated today (as claimed by the government when it was rescinded in June of this year), but maybe even more important now, 40+ years later.
Finding Water - Video Release Mar 2020
LLG, under the project leadership of Kevin Van Tighem, has developed a video as an educational tool for water stewardship. It was produced with financial assistance of The Land Stewardship Centre. 25:00 min.
In addition to the full feature video, LLG has produced five shorter length videos on water stewardship to facilitate educational use. See here.
Caring For the Livingstone - Feb 2019
A Livingstone Landowners Group Production Video (short version of "Voices in the Wind") by Yvan LeBel. 3:40 min
Voices In the Wind - Mar 2019
A Livingstone Landowners Group Production Video of "Voices in the Wind" by Yvan LeBel (full version) 7:40 min
An introduction and discussion of the important land stewardship of the watershed, biodiverse landscape and rural economy in Southwestern Alberta.
Music Video - Church of the Long Grass - Feb 2019
A Livingstone Landowners Group Production Video 4:11 min.
Music by John Wort Hannam. A collaborative music video showcasing the unique landscape of the Livingstone - Porcupine Hills region, perfectly set to John Wort Hannam’s popular song, Church of the Long Grass.
Voices From the Land - Aug 2017
A program about the environment, the people and issues facing the Livingstone Ranch in SW Alberta 13:02 min
Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative. More information at http://loveyourheadwaters.ca | Video: Leanne Allison
Life Along the Livingstone – 2010
Ranchers and landowners from Alberta's Livingstone Range celebrate the landscape and life along the Livingstone Range as they discuss the threat of a magnetite mine and the need for better management of the province's southern East Slopes of the Rockies. 3:43 min.