News 2021
For the most recent news on the proposed Grassy Mountain coal project and the Government’s changes to coal policy to allow strip mining in the Eastern slopes go to the News Updates on the Home Page and be sure to check out new videos. Relevant news articles can be found here. For petitions related to the coal issue see here.(Check regularly for updates!)
Clear cut logging near Cabin Ridge
Tent Mountain Coal Mine - Montem Resources
Damage from 2020 Coal exploration on Cabin Ridge. (photo by Callum Gunn for the Tyee)
Tent Mountain Mine
Teck Mountain Mine - photo Gartz Lenz
March 2021
Discussion Paper and discussion questions for public input now available! See “How you can help” section. To get involved go to PlaceSpeak.
February 2021
Global News Airs series on coal mining
January 2021
Mac Blades (foreground) carries on his family’s 100-year ranching tradition on the slopes of Alberta’s Rockies. He and his wife Renie joined a lawsuit to stop open-pit coal mining in the area after restrictions were lifted. Photo by Callum Gunn. (The Tyee)
January 2021
Opportunity for public input on Alberta’s new Crown land vision
Provincial Property Rights Review
Earlier this year, the Alberta government created a special commitee to consider Alberta property rights and remedies. Given other critical priorities, LLG has not been directly engaged in this process but members may be interested in a recent submission to the committee by the Western Stock Growers Association. Read here.
Benga Seeking to Appeal Grassy Mountain Coal Project
Benga Mining, the Piikani Nation and the Stoney Nakoda Nations have filed applications with the courts seeking the right to appeal the Alberta Energy Regulator decision to deny the Grassy Mountain Coal project.. Applications from LLG and the MD of Ranchland to be participants in that process were heard by Justice D. Pentelechuk in the Alberta Court of Appeal on Oct. 20. In her decision the Justice dismissed LLG’s application but added the MD of Ranchland as a respondent. The court date for the Benga Mining and First Nations applications is December 8, 2021.
Invasive Weed Management
Concerned about invasive weeds?
The MD of Pincher Creek has a free manual available to help you identify and manage invasive weeks on your property
You can pick up a copy at the MD Office in Pincher Creek or call reception for more information 403-627-3130.
LLG Webinar on Coal Policy
On August 3, 2021, the Livingstone Landowners Group held a webinar to share important information and evidence that has been submitted to the Alberta Coal Policy Committee. The recorded presentations are shared below:
LLG Coal Policy Committee Presentation
Brad Stelfox - Oldman River Watershed Study
Bill Donahue - McLeod River Contamination
The link to the Committee’s website is here. It invites you to share your views on a coal policy with the committee by email to energy.coalpolicy@gov.ab.ca. Submissions must be in before the end of August.
What does an Independent Case Study of the AER’s Coal Mining Regulations tell us?
SACPA Speaker Mandy L. Olsgard M.Sc., P. Bio. Principal, Sr. Toxicologist/ Risk Assessor provides a summary of a case study of the regulatory process for coal mining in Alberta through the application phase to operational monitoring and finally closure and reclamation using examples from regulatory documents published by and submitted to the Alberta Energy Regulator.
Forest Management Agreement
In July, 2021, the Alberta government has entered into a new 20-year Forest Management Agreement with Crowsnest Forest Products. The agreement covers more than 3,500 sq km of public land in the south Eastern Slopes. See government announcement here.
Federal Government Denies Grassy Mountain Coal Project
On August 6, 2021, the federal minister of Environment and Climate change announced a decision denying Benga’s proposed Grassy Mountain coal project. The news release from the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada is here. The decision statement from the Minister is here.
LLG-Sponsored Study Concludes Coal Mining Should Not Proceed in the Headwaters
Scientific studies commissioned by the Livingstone Landowners Group (LLG) have concluded that proposed coking coal-mining projects in the eastern slopes will have a significant and irreversible regional-scale environmental impact on the Old Man River Watershed (ORW) under both medium and high coal mining scenarios. See media release here.
To review the full study click here. (Note: the study is a very large file and will require you to download in order to view)
Amazing Art Auction
Thank you to all the exceptional artists for their generous donations and to all the participants who helped make this online Art Auction such a success. Thank you for supporting LLG’s efforts to protect the Eastern Slopes.
Municipal Development Plan Update
The MD of Pincher Creek is seeking public input by July 2, 2021 on the draft Municipal Development Plan which will be the guiding document for development within the MD.
The draft plan, a powerpoint presentation and supporting planning documents can be found on the MD website at this link.
Once public input has been considered the final draft will go to the MD Council for approval. A public hearing process will occur at that time.
Tent Mountain Federal Review
On June 28, the Federal Minister of the Environment and Climate Change announced that the proposed Tent Mountain coal project will be required to undergo a federal environmental assessment in addition to a provincial project review. The proposed coal mine. about 16 km west of Coleman, would impact Alberta and BC. Read the Minister’s announcement here. LLG and others seeking this designation issued a news release following the announcement.
Albertans Want Eastern Slopes Protected
A new poll found that the 76% Albertans want more protection for the Eastern Slopes. GoA announced consultation on a new Coal Policy - many Albertans are concerned if this process will accurately reflect what Albertans want for the Eastern Slopes.
Read our full news release here. For graphs and questions see here.
Update on Coal Consultation
On April 23, 2021 Energy Minister Sonya Savage paused coal exploration in category 2 lands during the coal consultation process. See the full announcement here. The move is positive but the critical work of preventing all future coal development in the Eastern Slopes still remains.
LLG Letter to Coal Consultation Committee
The Livingstone Landowners group is appealing to the Coal Consultation Committee to press for an immediate stop to all coal exploration in the Eastern Slopes. The letter also asks for a widespread, transparent public process that includes consideration of available research studies and expert opinion related to the risks and impact of open pit coal mining in the Eastern Slopes. Read the full letter here.
LLG Sponsors Study on Impact of Coal MIning on Oldman River System
The Livingstone Landowners Group announced today that it has engaged the Alces Group and Integral Ecology Group to immediately undertake a strategic level science-based assessment of the impacts on water quality and quantity in the Oldman River system that are expected to occur in the coming years if proposed coal mines in the headwaters area are approved and proceed.
Montem Resources Pushing Forward on Tent Mountain and Chinook Coal Developments
Montem is seeking to initiate new development at Tent Mountain and is projecting coal sales to start in 2022 or 2023. The company is also planning an extensive exploration program at Chinook beginning in 2021 with a view to development possibly within the next 5 years. The company states these projects, in the heart of the Eastern Slopes, are on category 4 land and will not be affected by the Government of Alberta’s decision to reinstate the Coal Development Policy for Alberta. See details here.
LLG Response to Minister Savage Announcement
The Livingstone Landowners Group has responded to Minister Savage regarding her recent announcement on the government’s decision to re-instate the Coal Policy land use categories. While a necessary step in the right direction the decision falls short of the action needed to protect the south Eastern Slopes from coal development. See the full letter here.
Falsehoods of UCP’s “Party Line” on Coal
THE UCP government, instead of respecting the concerns Albertans have raised about the coal rush on our mountain headwaters, has begun a spin campaign to attempt to dampen down the public anger.
The facts tell a different story. Kevin Van Tighem, a lifelong Albertan, a conservationist and the author of 14 books on the land, wildlife and water of Alberta, responds to a recent UCP document sent to the party’s supporters here.
Summary of Coal Related Events
The Livingstone Landowners Group (LLG) offers the following summary of events leading up to aggressive coal exploration activity throughout previously restricted areas and proposals for five large scale coal mines.
New Canada Water Agency
On December 17, 2020 the Federal Minister of Environment and Climate Change, the Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, and the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, the Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, announced the launch of public consultations to help establish the new Canada Water Agency and improve freshwater management across Canada. For more information click here.
Global News - Mining For The Truth Series
Discontent continues to intensify in Alberta in the wake of a provincial government decision to scrap a decades-old coal policy. The policy protected parts of the Rocky Mountains from surface coal development and exploration.
A news series entitled “Mining for the Truth” aired Feb. 2, 3 and 4 2021 exploring the issues associated with mountain-top removal coal mining. To view the entire series, click Mining For the Truth .
Minister’s Coal Announcement Has Little Positive Impact
On Jan. 18, Alberta Energy Minister Sonya Savage announced plans to cancel 11 coal leases (covering about 18 sq km of land). Unfortunately the impact on the coal issue is extremely small. When the government cancelled the Coal Policy in June, it opened up about 15,000 sq km of land previously protected from open pit coal mining and immediately processed outstanding coal applications that could not proceed under the previous policy. There are currently 8,400 sq km of coal leases in the Eastern Slopes, more than 10 times the size of the City of Calgary. About half of these leases were approved last year following rescinding of the Coal policy. See the following letter by lawyer Gavin Fitch and this CBC article for more insight.
Update on Coal Policy Judicial review
Upset with the Alberta Government’s decision to arbitrarily cancel the former Coal Policy, several Alberta Ranchers are seeking a judicial review to decide the matter in court
On Jan. 19 and 20, a judge heard an application by the Alberta government to dismiss the ranchers request. During the same hearing, several other groups, including LLG, put forward requests to have intervenor status if the judicial review proceeds. A couple of coal companies are also seeking intervenor standing. Court of Queen's Bench Justice Richard Neufeld said he needed time to review the documents and is expected to make a decision in a couple of months. See here for more detail.
Alberta Government announces plan to “modernize” Crown Land use rules
Minister of Environment and Parks Jason Nixon has announced his intent to “make life easier for hardworking Albertans and job creators” by integrating the management of all Crown lands. The move raises many questions including the impact such a move will have on special parks protections, grazing leases, environmental protections, public access and industrial use of crown land for mountain top removal coal mining and other invasive development. The province is accepting feedback on outdoor recreation opportunities related to his new vision through an online survey or you can post an idea for others to view by January 15, 2021 at 4:30 p.m.
Banner photo by Neil Kathol